In compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, you are informed that:

THE FROMOW CONSULTING GROUP, S.C., with address at Avenida Newton No. 232-PB, Col. Polanco Chapultepec, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, CP 11560, in Mexico City, is responsible for the use and protection of your Personal Data, and regarding the individual we inform you of the following:

The data you provide us will be necessary to prepare CFDI (invoices) with the requirements indicated by the corresponding tax laws, preparation of quotes, agreements and contracts, to carry out collections, to carry out the contracted professional services, compliance with concluded contracts, request information about the impact and result of the services provided and identify the owner.

The personal data requested will be the following: name, tax address, private address, Federal Taxpayer Registry, landline telephone number, mobile telephone number and email. Said data will be processed lawfully, under the principles of information, quality, purpose, loyalty and proportionality and will be protected and safeguarded by THE FROMOW CONSULTING GROUP, S.C.

THE FROMOW CONSULTING GROUP, S.C. You can record audios, videos, as well as take photographs of the events you hold, such as conferences, cultural, recreational, broadcast events (in person and online), among others. If you enter said events physically or virtually, you accept that you may be recorded and/or photographed, consenting to THE FROMOW CONSULTING GROUP, S.C. may use, distribute or transmit the recordings and/or photographs for the teaching ONLY of courses, classes and other activities as established in article 87 of the Federal Copyright Law, therefore authorizing THE FROMOW CONSULTING GROUP, S.C. so that your image and the material you use can be included, they can be transmitted and/or retransmitted and/or recorded for later use, either online or by any electronic means that THE FROMOW CONSULTING GROUP, S.C. manage

Likewise, you are informed that you have the right to access the personal data we have about you; request that we correct your information or delete it from our records or stop using it, as well as withdraw your consent to use it, through the exercise of the so-called ARCO rights consisting of:

ACCESS: Know what personal data we have about you, what we use it for and the conditions of use we give it.

RECTIFICATION: Request the correction of your personal information if it is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete.

CANCELLATION: Request the deletion of our records or databases when you consider that they are not being used as indicated in this Privacy Notice or that they are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were collected.

OPPOSITION: You can object to the use of your personal data.

In the event that the owner of the personal data wants to access, rectify, cancel or oppose the use of the data provided to THE FROMOW CONSULTING GROUP, S.C., that is, exercise their ARCO Rights, they must direct their request in writing to Assuán Olvera Sandoval, with address at av. Avenida Isaac Newton No. 232-PB, Col. Polanco Chapultepec, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, CP 11560, in Mexico City or email, with the following information:

  • Name of the owner of the personal data or his/her legal representative (prove legal representation through power of attorney);
  • Address and email address;
  • Copy of current official identification (of the owner of the personal data and his legal representative);
  • Clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which you need to exercise your ARCO rights;
  • Any element and document that facilitates the location of personal data, and
  • In the case of requests for rectification, the owner or his legal representative must indicate, in addition to what is indicated, the modifications to be made and provide the documentation that supports his request.

Once the request to exercise ARCO rights is received, THE FROMOW CONSULTING GROUP, S.C., within a maximum period of 20 days from receipt of the aforementioned request, will inform you of the determination adopted, to the effect that, if is appropriate, it is made effective within 15 days following the date on which the response is communicated. The aforementioned deadlines may be extended only once for an equal period, as long as the circumstances of the case justify it. If the request concerns the delivery of personal data, it will be carried out after accreditation of the identity of the applicant or legal representative in person.

If this Privacy Notice has any modification, it will be made known to you through electronic communications or with the publication of notices on the Internet Portal of THE FROMOW CONSULTING GROUP, S.C., namely

If you require any clarification about the use of your personal data, you can contact us by calling telephone numbers (55) 7825 1014 to 17 or by email to the email address

I have read, give my consent and accept the conditions of the Privacy Notice.